A new brand starting only with the name and origin. Crow Gin is inspired by the waterfalls of the Yellowstone River Valley, Montana and the rare botanicals native to Yellowstone.
brand personality + identity | packaging | guides
“It's crystal clear" lifting spirits and creating unique experiences. Providing you with an elegant gin derived from the crystal clear waters of the Yellowstone River Valley, infused with uniquely rare botanical plants of Yellowstone, flourishing, strong and vibrant from the waterfalls misty vapour.
mission statement | tagline | brand values
Legends recall a time when Crow tribes began preserving water by fermentation for long hunting trips. Derived from the crystal clear waters of the Yellowstone River Valley, infused with its uniquely rare botanicals. The botanicals strong and vibrant, from the waterfalls misty vapour, and are the native delicacy in the valley, the Crows have been consuming this drink for centuries.
Within minutes of drinking the substance they found it created a sense of euphoria, improving their confidence. However after some time and many failed hunting trips they realised too much threw off their aim.
As a result, it became a celebratory drink, to lift their spirits during celebrations and rituals... Nowadays it is simply known as Crow Gin.
aspiration visual brand driver
The design comprises four key elements: two rock panels cleverly shaping the negative space of a gin glass on either side, while the waterfall intricacies and ripples come together to define the base of the glass. These elements seamlessly fuse the essence of both the waterfall and gin, creating a harmonious visual representation.
ripples creating the negative gin glass base
rocks forming the negative gin glass shape